Well if you remember I had a goal to be 49kg for our wedding party, and I can now happily tell you that I really did it! The morning of our wedding on 6th of July I was 49kg and so damn proud!
Well after our wedding I had a well deserved week of from training and I ate everything to, felt kinda nice but sooo weird at the same time, going to the gym is a routine for me so it was actually hard to stay out of the gym.
Well summer ended and now I have been trying to just build some more muscle. I was really dry the day of our wedding so this is why I was so light then. Now I have been eating more so I have lots of energy to do my workouts, so I'm bit heavier now.. And I'm trying to get some more muscle weight to. I even got bit to heavy during the time my friend from Australia was in Finland, I love good food and all sweets and salty stuff.. So during her stay in here I gained a bit more weight what I wanted to but all that has been dropped off again.
I'm so happy my ass has been growing now, I had a tiny tight but before I got pregnant but now it's actually starting to be bigger and rounder, yeij! :)
Leo has gotten so big and has just started to take some steps to! It is so cute!
Now I'm starting to write shorter and quicker updates into here, and those yummy sugar free treat recipes to! Also I am going to try write some updates from gym and tell something from my workout routines!
This is just couple weeks ago after I just finished my triceps and shoulder workout. You know that you shouldn't be training triceps and biceps during a same workout session? ;)
Stay tuned! Have a great weekend you all! :)