keskiviikko 15. tammikuuta 2014

In Body measuring..

So I had in body measuring done a week ago. I have to recommend it to everyone with some kinda goals in your training. I don't even mean goals like competing just goals to look good, be healthy, have a balanced body.
It tells you everything. Fat present and amount of fat in kilos, amount of water and muscle. And what is normal for your age and size. It tells you amount of muscle you have in both arms, so you will know are they balanced. Same thing for legs. And it will tell you the amount of muscle in your mid section. You get numbers about it and also it shows it on a scale less than normal, normal, more than normal.. (Normal = average ) it will also tell you if your getting enough of protein, minerals and water. You will also see what would be your ideal weight and where to loose it if you have something to loose. 
I think it's amazing.

It's crazy cause until now after I had Leo my legs have always been really strong and muscly but now it seems to be the way that my legs and mid section are in a level normal and my arms have more muscle than is normal for my size. I have never had arm muscles before! And I also found out that my left arm is bit stronger than right one, just so little though that you can't see it.. I would've not known this.. And my fat present is 24 now so I still need to loose some fat but that is my goal for before summer.. I am gonna get this thing done again  begin of the summer. 

Lets see how I do ;)

Oh and I got some photos from a photo shoot I did in December.. Here is a pic I took with my phone of the photo what was in our computer.. 
Maybe I can still do this shit? 

Have a nice rest of the week you all! 

tiistai 7. tammikuuta 2014

New year and new me, really?

How annoying is it that every year when the year starts everyone promises to change their ways of eating and start doing sports, go to gym etc. Why can't you just do that middle of the year? First two weeks to month gym is full of people who are trying to fit into their new life. Sadly most of them quit really soon cause they get lazy and they don't see results right now like they would want to.

Well to start a new year and to be healthier, get fitter, eat better you need dedication. You need to understand it is a new life style and not just a new hobby you wanna try for a moment. But the truth is, it won't work for everyone. Some people just like to eat to much and some are just to lazy. But it's really up to you, you can decide to eat healthy good food instead of all the rubbish. You can decide to wake up and be happy, go for a walk or so and get more energy. And soon you can look at your self and look great, also feel great!
 I could say I love food!! But I just had to make a decision after I had Leo I will eat healthy and try to make healthy to taste good. Sometimes I allow treats but mainly it's healthy food to get fuel to have energy to train and play with Leo. 

Well anyway, I went to gym on New Year's Eve and Leo came with me. He was with Sam while I did my workout.
Here Leo is sitting at the lounge of the gym and wondering where did mummy bring him. We started at a new gym a while ago and it's Leos first time.

Leo playing at the gym..

Chest day it is! First I was doing some chest press, I like to do it with dumbbells, it's better than a bar or a machine I think cause you need to control your movement more.
Couple random pictures.. Bench press is obviously just one of the exercises I do on chest day, for example I also do incline bench press, cable crossovers and in the picture starting dips. 

New Year's Day we had a day of from the gym.. Then we have been training normally again.
I've started to do couple new thing in my program and after a time off from doing cardio now I'm doing that again. Oh how I hate cardio, just have to find out away to enjoy it. It is just to boring.. But well it is just something I must to do.

Oh how horrific my leg day was on Saturday, I'm still like a penguin in slow motion. :/ 
80meters of lounges holding weights on hands, heavy squats, leg press etc. Sam knows what he is doing. 

Now I'm excited and waiting for Thursday, I'm gonna have in body measuring done, so I will know exact amount of fat, muscle, water, bone.. And how much it's in each side etc. so exciting! Then I can get it done again closer to summer.

Have to go back to new year resolutions for a moment.. Year ago I promised I would lose weight and get fit and be 49kg on our wedding party day. I did it!! I also promised to love my husband and son each day more than the day before.. Done, easy.

This year I promised to love my husband and son every day more than the day before, again.
I promised to train even harder and not get lazy after reaching a goal. Cause now I don't have any exact goal with my weight, my goal is to look stunning. And I'm sure that no matter how good I look I will always find something to train, make it bigger, fitter, smaller, anything. I'm gonna be reaching for perfection. It is a long journey, it will take years but every year I'm gonna do this same promise and keep on with my project.

I also promised to cherish every moment. Beauty of the life comes from those little moments, and so easily we forget to cherish them. So please remember that the most beautiful things are the little thing in life.

Here some motivation pictures I like to watch for you guys!