maanantai 10. maaliskuuta 2014

Fitness comp and party, check.

Me and Sam left to Helsinki on Saturday around midday, Leo went to have a sleepover with my mum. We were on our way to see Helsinki Fitness competitions cause our friend Victoria from USA (lives in Germany at the moment) was competing in there in model and bikini categories.
 We got there just in time to see her on stage in the bikini category. She was amazing, I knew straight away she would have a good chance to win. 
Weird thing was some of the people were clearly not in good shape, like not just little not in shape, like badly! Looked like they have forgotten their diet? Shocking part was one of them is supposed to be one of the bests in Finland. 
Well anyway Victoria got second in model and won the bikini. She should've won also the model I think. Winner was just skinny, no muscle at all. And in bikini I didn't understand why two Finnish chicks got placed. The one who got second, ok. But third? Really. It would've just been fair that the girls who looked better and who actually looked like they have prepared for the comp would've gotten the third. Not some Finnish chick just cause she is from Finland and she has made some name for herself in this industry already. 
This is a picture of the top three in bikini tall. :)

After the competition we went to have some dinner in Helsinki. And then it was time for the after party in Apollo. 
Here is some pics of me and Sam before we went out. 
Well I didn't really have anything to drink, I had one vodka with Pepsi Max and that's it. We danced, had fun and went home before two, to the hotel I mean. It was great. Got to sleep until 11am and then had to drive back to Hämeenlinna to go get Leo. It was great day and night away from normal life. 
And now I'm home, eating my chicken mince and beans waiting Sam to get home so I can go to the gym!! I'll get back to you guys about my last two weeks of diet before the photoshoot and about training and all bit later.. Now I have to eat so I can lift some shit! :D

Have a nice day!! :)

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