maanantai 8. syyskuuta 2014

Voihan syysflunssa!

Viikko sitten meni pikku Leo meidän äidille hoitoon ja me Samin kanssa vaihdettiin hetkeksi vapaalle. Samin työkaverilla oli synttärit joten lähdettiin porukalla keilaamaan ja viettämään iltaa. aamulla oli kiva nukkua vähän pidempään kuin normaalisti kun Leo tosiaan oli mummulassa yökylässä.
Siinä on Esalle kakku. Kakku on harmaa koska niin on rautakin! Ja tuo
tuossa keskellä on olevinaan painotanko! :D Ja sitten iso apina eli esa, pikku autossaan.  :D

Leon kanssa katsotaan vähän piirrettyjä sohvalla peiton alla.
Sitten hakemaan Leo hoidosta ja tuliaisina Leo toi kotiin flunssan. Kyllä sääliksi kävi pikkumiestä kun nenä vuosi ja hengitys rohisi, kuumettakin oli. Tottakai tauti muutaman päivän kuluttua tarttui muhun ja Samiinkin ja siinähän se viimeviikko menikin sitten sairastellessa. Salille pääsin vielä maanantaina kun oli vielä terve olo mutta tiistaina ei sitten enää mentykkään. Kolme päivää tuli siis ihan täyslepoa, ja tulihan sitä sitten syötyäkin ties mitä. Pakko oli syödä kasoittain hedelmiä ja hiilareita että joskus parantuisi. Ei sitä kipeänä hirveän hyvin suoriudu vanhemman tehtävistä ja asiaa helpotti hurjasti se että Leo alkoi keskiviikkona voida paremmin  ja fiksuna poikana ymmärsi etä äiti ja isi on vähän kipeitä niin ei voida ihan joka sekuntti olla perässä juoksemassa.

Oli pakko ottaa pikku selfie. Tavoitteena on pepun
kasvatus, seuraillaan siis tilannette
Onneksi perjantaina olo oli jo vähän parempi ja revin itseni salille. Samilla oli tunti ohjattavana ja päätin että menen tälle tunnille niin ei tarvitse itse käyttää aivoja ja miettiä että minkäs lihasryhmän vuoro on, sai vaan seurata Samia ja tehdä mitä muutkin. Olin ekaa kertaa Samin tunnilla, oli kyllä hyvä tunti! Tosin Sam sanoi että tää tunti kun oli nyt syksyn ensimmäin plus että hän on just ollut kipeä niin ei ollut läheskään sellainen tunti kun on normaalisti kun vauhtiin on päästy. Nyt mietin että no voih sehän on kiva, kun mulla on tässä vieläkin takareidet vähän jumissa, nyt on kumminkin jo maanantai.Täytyy ehkä mennä taas perjantaina kokeilemaan!

Viimeksi mainitsin että aloitin kokeilemaan uutta diettiä. No niinhän aloitin mutta rehellisesti on sanottava että en tosiaan ole sitä pystynyt noudattamaan. Viikko sitten oli ne synttärit, ja olihan mun siis leivottava kakku. TOTTAKAI! Ja sitten iski tuo tautikin. Ja ruoka vaan on niiiiin hyvää! Noh nyt on 9 päivää ennenkun lähdetään reissuun, reissuun olis kiva lähteä niin että olis ollut reipas eikä olis ihan turvonnut kun lähtee niin voi hyvin mielin siellä sitten syödä hyvin ja nauttia. Tosin mä tiedän että kyllä siellä tulee varmaan esim aamiaispöydässä vedettyä suht terveellinen iso aamiainen jos on paljon erilaisia hedelmiä tarjolla jne. Kun ei tosiaan niitä hedelmiä tule ihan niin paljon täällä kotona syötyä. Noh sen näkee sitten kuinka paljon niitä lomakiloja tulee.. toivottavasti ei tulis ollenkaan.!! Mutta en kyllä aio ottaa asiasta stressia. Sillä tää o meidän ikinä eka loma ja aiotaan tosiaankin rentoutua niin paljon kun vaan pystyy ton uhmaikäisen poitsun kanssa. :D
Mutta niin. Sitä lomaa ennen olis kiva saada tää turvotus ja pöhö poies. Eli nyt tän viimeisen 9 päivää meillä on Samin kanssa sopimus että ei pidetä Cheat Day:tä ollenkaan sunnuntaina ja syödään kumpikin terveellisesti. Plus että tänään on eka päivä ihan kokonaan ilman ainuttakaan tupakkaa. On tähän asti siis poltettu ehkä 2 askia per viikko, puoliks, eli ei ihan hirveesti. Mutta nyt jäi sitten sekin vähä pois. :)
Voisin ottaa tänään salin jälkeen parit kuvat ja sitten ottaa taas kuvat ensi viikon tiistaina niin katsotaan sainko mitään aikaan. Ja laitan sitten tosiaan siihen että mitä tein nää 9 päivää.

AAAAIVAN, meillä oli lauantaina 3 vuotis päivä siitä kun tavattiin, niin sen kunniaksi oli pakko ostaa pikku dontsit kun oli donitsi kärry tossa lähikaupan pihassa myymässä tuoreita donitseja. Oltiin juuri siis käyty myös salilla eli donitsit toimi vähän niinkun palarina ;) hehe. Käytiin myös siten tän jälkeen vielä Leon kanssa kävelyllä ja puistossa leikkimässä että yritettiin kumminkin vähän työstää niitä kaloreita :D Oli kyllä niin hyvväää! Ja hyvää on ollut nää 3 yhteistä vuottakin, onneks niitä on vielä paljon edessä.. Vaikka pakko kyllä sanoa että ei tunnu yhtään että 3 vuotta tässä ois vasta tunnettu, tuntuu enemmänkn siltä että en voi uskoa että on ollu aika jolloin toi ihminen ei oo ollut osa mun elämää. <3 On se vaan niin ihana!

Eilen leivoin myös sitten vähän kuppikakkuja kun meidän kaverit meni vihdoin kihloihin! Leo päätti myös varastaa niistä yhden kun huomasi yhden olevan pöydällä ihan selkeästi häntä varten. Laitan siitäkin kuvan tuohon alas. Illalla laitoin sitten kumminkin jäljelle jääneet roskiin ettei vaan tuu tänään sellanen olo että mitä jos vielä yhden :D Sellainen kun tulee aika helposti, kun ne oli aika hyviä vaikka itse sanonkin!

Viime yö meni rattoisasti valvoen kun Leo päätti että eihän hänen tarvitse nukkua enää kun kello on jo 12 yöllä. Seuraavan kerran se uni tulikin vasta viideltä aamulla, vaikka tän koko ajan Leo oli omassa sängyssä. Siellä se vuoroin koputteli seinään, raivosi, höpötteli pehmoleluille.. ja ei mitkään maitopullot, tuutulaulut tai muut auttanu. Olis pitäny saada tulla pois sängystä ja leikkiä leluilla. Aamulla Leo sitten heräsi taas kello 8, ja nyt noin tunti sitten eli puoli 1 sain sen päiväunille.
Ja mä olin eilen niin suunnitellut että aamulla herään reippaasti vähän ennen kun Leo herää ja käyn pienellä lenkillä. Noh enpä käynyt kun ei tota unta tullut ihan hirveesti niin saatika että olisin herännyt vielä ennen Leoa. Onhan se 3h ihan tarpeeks unta vai miten se meni?

No nyt se nukkuu ja mä istun takapihalla, kirjoittaen tätä blogia kerrankin ihan koneella! Oon niin monet kerrat nyt kirjoittanut puhelimen Blogger sovelluksella, tää koneella kirjotus on niin mukavaa. Seurana mulla on Muumimuki ja kahvia! Aurinkokin paistaa ja ilma tuoksuu niin raikkaalle! Jos mun akku vaikka latautuu tässä ulkona istumalla ja tolla kahvilla niin parin tunnin päästä jaksaa sinne salille lähteä ja treenata sit oikeesti ihan raivolla!
Nyt tähän loppuun ihan vaan lapsi aiheista juttua. Maanantaisin ja keskiviikkoisin ois MLL perhekahvilaa, mihin sais lasten kanssa mennä leikkimään. Kerran me on siellä käyty mutta mä en ole ihan varma tykkäsinkö. Joskus kirjastoilla järjestetään lasten media hetkiä, näistä mulla ei ole kokemusta mutta huomenna Jukolassa tälläinen olis, en tiedä viitsiikö raahautua? Olis kiva löytää joku taaperoiden touhujumppa tai joku mutta ainoa mitä oon löytänyt on MLL ja se ryhmä on kuulemma jo täynnä. No sitten FOREVER kuntokeskuksella on jotain myös mutta se on aivan mielettömän kallista! Jos joku lukijoista on Hämeenlinnasta ja käy jossain mielenkiintoisessa toiminnassa niin kertokaa!! Meidän toiminnat jää yleensä ihan siihen että leikitään leon kanssa kahdestaan ulkona tai sisällä sillä välin kun Sam on töissä. Ja sitten kun Sam on kotona tehdään jotain yhdessä. Pari kertaa on käyty kaverin muksujen kanssa leikkimässä, mutta olis kiva kun löytyis joku kiva toiminta missä vois käydä vaikka kerran viikossa ihan viikottain. :) Ehkä tuo uhmaikäkin helpottuis tosta kun sais seuraa ja vähän mällia muista lapsista..
Leo leikkimässä vesilätäkössä pari viikkoa sitten. :)

Noh tässäpä taas kaikki tällä kertaa. Alkaa vatsa kurnimaan ja kelloa vilkaistessani huomasin että mun aamiaisesta  on jo uuuppis 4h..Ja aamiainen oli siis maitorahkaa, makeuttamatonta mantelimaitoa ja suklaa prode jauhetta mixattuna, plus kaikki vitskut yms. 
Nyt olis aika ehkä ottaa vaikka vähän tonnikalaa, kurkkua ja itsetehtyä quacamolea.. Ei nää kyllä edes kuulu siihen mun diettiin, mutta korvaan nyt kanan tonnikalalla, parsakaalin kurkulla ja lisään vähän hyviä rasvoja. Ei se kai voi paha juttu olla? Mä oon ainakin itse huomannu että avocado tekee mulle tosi hyvvää. Mulla ei paino tipu jos en saa hyviä rasvoja tarpeeks. Ja tuntuu ettei noista omega tableteista niitä niin saa.

No juu tästä vaikka lisää sitten kun katsotaan mitä on 9 päivän aikana tapahtunut ;)
Lisään tähän loppuun vielä vähän jotain kuvia!


Sam lähetti kuvan töistä viikko sitten ja valitteli kun ei vasta näyttänyt yhtään läskimmältä kuinennen viikonlopun kakkua ja muita herkkuja. LUCKY BASTARD!!

Leo syö tyytyväisinä rappusilla varastamaansa kuppikakkua!

Tälläinen löytyi vanhojen kuvien seasta!! On otettu joku vuosi sitten. :)

tiistai 19. elokuuta 2014

Trying not to feel quilty!

So it's been a long time since my last post. A lot has happened after that. I got into SportLife Nutriotion team after coming second in fitness cover girl competition. But after a month in a team I decided I'm better of without them. 

The gym where I go to and where Sam works, Piukat Paikat ja Kovat Kundit is going to have a team for next year and I'm gonna go with that team. So what it's not a big team with lots of name and fame but it's our team. That gym is like a second home to me so I couldn't be happier to compete in that team. 
Also SportLife had a lot of rules about writing the blog and stuff and I just want to write this when I feel like it!

I have to tell you I have gained couple of kilos.. I noticed that couple weeks ago when I tried to put on some pants and they were tight! I've been wearing dresses so much in summer and loose training shirts and shorts that I haven't noticed. I have been hitting the gym still 6 times a week so I'm sure there is some growth in my muscles to but.. So I think if you do your exercises hell yes you can eat something good! It's summer and in Finland that summer isn't so long so I say let's enjoy the summer and eat those ice creams and strawberries, have a cold drink or what ever. But do your exercises!  Obviously those who are competing in autumn this isn't a good advice.. But for us who aren't please don't be to tough on your selfs!

This isn't the most newest pictures but it's from summer. I made a big status update in FB about people who only buy the most expensive training clothes and think they make them a fitness star. Everyone who has been reading my blog knows how long way I've come after having our son.. And I have never ever bought any expensive gym clothes. Most of my clothes are from second hand shops! Seriously, not kidding!! And still I e lost all this weight and gained theseusvles.. All without expensive clothes..

Week before last week I was really really energetic and I actually woke up really early, got up and went for a morning cardio for like 50minutes.. 6 days I did that. And then gym in the afternoon. 
I bought this little belt bag from h&m it's so handy. You can use it when you do cardio or at the gym. I had one of those arm things but they aren't that handy when you are training biceps or triceps. This is nice and flat, you can fit there your phone and keys and maybe some money or a card of you need it. It also has a hole for headphones.. 

Oh well now I'm trying this new diet to loose some of this fat or water weight before we are going for a holiday in a month. We are going into North Cyprus, me, Sam and Leo so I would like to feel and look great when we go so then I can take it like a holiday, relax a bit and eat different foods in there. And not feel that quilty cause I've just worked my ass of in here. 

I will write you more about my diet and training program later and I'll also take some progress pics of this diet. Now I need to eat one of my meals, I'm getting hungry! 

Stay focused but remember to enjoy the life! 

sunnuntai 27. huhtikuuta 2014

Fitness Cover Girl competition is over!

Just a quick update.. I was second and people's choice!! Yeij :) I'm happy. Diet worked well and now I can keep on training for next challenges.

keskiviikko 19. maaliskuuta 2014

One more day to go!!

Oh yes!! Only one more day before the photoshoot for the magazine. I've lost now 6kg since I got the phone call from the magazine.. It has been five weeks I think. I have been eating a lot and training to so I hopefully haven't lost that much muscles. I'm sure it's more just fat and water. 
Two last weeks of my diet after the weekend in Helsinki has been quiet hard but now I'm actually getting use to it. I'm allowed to eat egg whites, white fat and carb free fish, green vegetables such as beans and broccoli, my whey protein (it includes 1g of carbs per serving), mushrooms.. Oh well that's about it. And no salt. No sugars. Bit boring? I've been using lots of herbs and garlic powder to have some taste in my food. Also cinnamon on egg whites is ok! I've also cooked my egg whites most if the time in microwave, saves time and you don't need to use oil to cook it! It's not the same than cooking it on the pan but well it's egg whites, it never tastes really good! 
This is one of days menu from last week. Egg whites cooked on a pan with some cinnamon for breakfast and whey protein!
Lunch was minced chicken with long green beans, no salt only garlic and curry. 
Dinner was fish, broccoli, beans, cucumber. Delicious right? No, but it doesn't need to be. It wasn't bad, and it's just fuel for my body not a treat. That's always a good thing to remember. You can enjoy those delicious cheat meals when it's the time but normally it's not ment to be a big celebration for your mouth everytime you eat.
This was my microwave cooked pancake. Two eggwhites, bit of almond milk and baking powder, whey protein. Sam said it looks like space food. Well it tasted like how I would imagine space food tastes like. But it was good snack and it wasn't to bad. 

Last week I was training still really hard and doing lot of cardio. 
This week I've done my workouts bit differently. Couple muscle groups a day and in super sets, also only 3 exercises per group. And without actual brakes. And lots of abs each day! Also I've done lots of sprints!
Last week Friday I didn't have time to go to the gym so I went to train on a yard of school next to us. 
Rocky training music playing I trained, and I was sweating harder than ever at the gym! This is what I did:
-Spot where you can run about 20m and turn and run back again. And then I counted that I've been in the other end 10 times. So it's 20 times 20 meters. 
-Then I found kids climbing thing and did chin-ups with using biceps, to failure.
-step ups on to a chair and a donkey kick with the free leg, 10 times both legs.
-pull ups till failure
-lunges with the back leg on the chair 10 times both legs.
-abs, hang of from the climbing thing or where you did pull-ups and lift your legs straight up. Easier if you choose a place where you have something behind your back to keep it still, but I did it with more challenge with nothing behind me so you need to really use your core to keep you still, 15 reps.
- good morning. Stand up straight, bend down to reach your toes with straight back, lift your upper body up with straight back into 99 degrees and repeat 15 times.
- boxing jumps. Deep squat and jump up, 20.
- push-ups, 20.
And repeat all this 3 times. Took maybe 40 minutes. And I was about to pass out after this! Put all the effort in and it will be a killing workout.!!

Little sneak peak what's gonna be seen in the magazine. My new red bikini!!! I love the bottom part, its crunch bottom or something like that..

Well now I'm gonna stop writing cause I need to try something. I got a wellness bag for couple days to drop bit more water weight before Friday morning. 
I have no idea how it works but it's suppose to do many good things to your body including speed up weight loss and tone up your skin. In Hämeenlinna in Finland where I live you can get these wellness bag treatments in Piukat Paikat, the massager lady there has them. She also rents them for people. I will check the prices tomorrow and tell you guys. I will also take some pics of my process to use it and tell how it felt. :) also I'm gonna write more info about it. I'm so excited!!

I will be back, meanwhile you can eat well and train hard!! If you have passion there is no limits. ;)

maanantai 10. maaliskuuta 2014

Fitness comp and party, check.

Me and Sam left to Helsinki on Saturday around midday, Leo went to have a sleepover with my mum. We were on our way to see Helsinki Fitness competitions cause our friend Victoria from USA (lives in Germany at the moment) was competing in there in model and bikini categories.
 We got there just in time to see her on stage in the bikini category. She was amazing, I knew straight away she would have a good chance to win. 
Weird thing was some of the people were clearly not in good shape, like not just little not in shape, like badly! Looked like they have forgotten their diet? Shocking part was one of them is supposed to be one of the bests in Finland. 
Well anyway Victoria got second in model and won the bikini. She should've won also the model I think. Winner was just skinny, no muscle at all. And in bikini I didn't understand why two Finnish chicks got placed. The one who got second, ok. But third? Really. It would've just been fair that the girls who looked better and who actually looked like they have prepared for the comp would've gotten the third. Not some Finnish chick just cause she is from Finland and she has made some name for herself in this industry already. 
This is a picture of the top three in bikini tall. :)

After the competition we went to have some dinner in Helsinki. And then it was time for the after party in Apollo. 
Here is some pics of me and Sam before we went out. 
Well I didn't really have anything to drink, I had one vodka with Pepsi Max and that's it. We danced, had fun and went home before two, to the hotel I mean. It was great. Got to sleep until 11am and then had to drive back to Hämeenlinna to go get Leo. It was great day and night away from normal life. 
And now I'm home, eating my chicken mince and beans waiting Sam to get home so I can go to the gym!! I'll get back to you guys about my last two weeks of diet before the photoshoot and about training and all bit later.. Now I have to eat so I can lift some shit! :D

Have a nice day!! :)

tiistai 4. maaliskuuta 2014

Getting ready for a photo shoot or getting sick?

So two weeks ago I got a message from a magazine if I would do a shoot with them soon. I couldn't say no, as I've done one with them 5 years ago.. Shit that makes me sound old? and most of the chicks in the magazine are around 18-20years old..well then they said that they want me to be in a cover of Aprils magazine so deadline is before end of March. Well great! So now I had to end my "bulking" phase and start shredding down really quickly!

During first two weeks I dropped 4kg with just eating a lot and right and training really hard! What does this mean?
Chicken, fish, meat.. Protein without lots of fats, so I had mostly fish. Lots of green vegetables like beans, broccoli, onion and garlic for taste, some carrots. No tomatoes! I had some fruit, mainly apples and not that much. No oranges, bananas or grapes. Lots of water with some lemon. Berries and nuts!
And for training it ment as heavy weights as I could use when doing 10-12 reps and 4-6 sets plus lots of cardio. And I really hate cardio!! I will love it again when it's sunny in mornings and I can go do it outside without freezing and I can smell the spring!
Week and a half ago from and after back session!
Week ago training legs on carb day, felt awesome!! 
From Saturday after biceps and abs session! 

I still have a long way to go to be in a competition condition but this photoshoot is luckily different. I'm not even trying to get every little muscle to show. Just trying to look better than five years ago.. Might be hard, I was 19 years old then. But on the other hand, I feel more beautiful now than then. Maybe it's just cause I'm more confident, well let's make that to show in the pictures!

Oh, I was at home spending night by myself on Saturday, Sam was out with his friends and I got Leo to bed.. I cleaned and the I got bored cause normally Sam is always at home with me.

So I had my dinner, Smoked Salmon, some vegetables and low fat greek yoghurt on top of it.

After this I started watching a movie, alone. So I watched Ghost, Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore from 1990, I love that movie, could just watch it over and over again. Well anyway, im terovle watching movies, I always need to have something to snack on. 

So I had cucumber, two carrots cut in to sticks, home made low fat dip sauce and I tried leaders protein snack chips! I have to say, they were quiet good. Not like real chips, not even close, but if you are trying  not to eat those and looking for something healthier to snack.. These were ok! They have a bit of salt but I still have 3 weeks time so a tiny bit won't hurt me, as normally I don't add salt to my food. 

Well now I've been feeling like I'm gonna be sick. And I really, really can't afford to be sick now. First of all I need to stay healthy for Leo, I need to train to get my self in good shape and we are going to Helsinki on Saturday to see our friends from Germany. They are here for the Helsinki Fitness competition. So hopefully we get to see some of it and then we will go out for a little bit. Nice to go out with someone who's diet is just finished when your still dieting, no yummy foods or drinks for me!! well it is my choice so can't blame her. 

Well anyway I just had my natures own medicine-vitamin breakfast. I'm really trying to fight of the flu! 
Chia seed pudding (chia seeds-unsweetened almond milk-honey) with some berries, unsweetened almond milk-black currant-honey smoothie, multivitamin drink and bunch of vitamins and minerals. More smoothies later!

Oh and Leo is doing great, growing fast and being like a real little boy!! 
Here he us with his new beanie and sunnies!! 
And here he is watching a movie with me yesterday as I felt sick and he was bit tired so we watched Frozen, it was maybe the hundredtwentyseventh time we've seen it. 
Leo has also been at the gym with us often now, as Sams mum and sisters left back to Australia and my mum has been working lot so we haven't had a baby sitter. So some of the days we take Leo with us and while other one trains, other one watches Leo and plays with him. He loves it in there. Runs around like crazy, laughs and giggles while running. Happy little man. 

Well I think this is it for this time again. Now I really try to write more often as I noticed again how quick and easy it is with this app!!

Have a great day and week you all!! Stay focused, keep an eye on your goal. Feel good!! 

keskiviikko 15. tammikuuta 2014

In Body measuring..

So I had in body measuring done a week ago. I have to recommend it to everyone with some kinda goals in your training. I don't even mean goals like competing just goals to look good, be healthy, have a balanced body.
It tells you everything. Fat present and amount of fat in kilos, amount of water and muscle. And what is normal for your age and size. It tells you amount of muscle you have in both arms, so you will know are they balanced. Same thing for legs. And it will tell you the amount of muscle in your mid section. You get numbers about it and also it shows it on a scale less than normal, normal, more than normal.. (Normal = average ) it will also tell you if your getting enough of protein, minerals and water. You will also see what would be your ideal weight and where to loose it if you have something to loose. 
I think it's amazing.

It's crazy cause until now after I had Leo my legs have always been really strong and muscly but now it seems to be the way that my legs and mid section are in a level normal and my arms have more muscle than is normal for my size. I have never had arm muscles before! And I also found out that my left arm is bit stronger than right one, just so little though that you can't see it.. I would've not known this.. And my fat present is 24 now so I still need to loose some fat but that is my goal for before summer.. I am gonna get this thing done again  begin of the summer. 

Lets see how I do ;)

Oh and I got some photos from a photo shoot I did in December.. Here is a pic I took with my phone of the photo what was in our computer.. 
Maybe I can still do this shit? 

Have a nice rest of the week you all! 

tiistai 7. tammikuuta 2014

New year and new me, really?

How annoying is it that every year when the year starts everyone promises to change their ways of eating and start doing sports, go to gym etc. Why can't you just do that middle of the year? First two weeks to month gym is full of people who are trying to fit into their new life. Sadly most of them quit really soon cause they get lazy and they don't see results right now like they would want to.

Well to start a new year and to be healthier, get fitter, eat better you need dedication. You need to understand it is a new life style and not just a new hobby you wanna try for a moment. But the truth is, it won't work for everyone. Some people just like to eat to much and some are just to lazy. But it's really up to you, you can decide to eat healthy good food instead of all the rubbish. You can decide to wake up and be happy, go for a walk or so and get more energy. And soon you can look at your self and look great, also feel great!
 I could say I love food!! But I just had to make a decision after I had Leo I will eat healthy and try to make healthy to taste good. Sometimes I allow treats but mainly it's healthy food to get fuel to have energy to train and play with Leo. 

Well anyway, I went to gym on New Year's Eve and Leo came with me. He was with Sam while I did my workout.
Here Leo is sitting at the lounge of the gym and wondering where did mummy bring him. We started at a new gym a while ago and it's Leos first time.

Leo playing at the gym..

Chest day it is! First I was doing some chest press, I like to do it with dumbbells, it's better than a bar or a machine I think cause you need to control your movement more.
Couple random pictures.. Bench press is obviously just one of the exercises I do on chest day, for example I also do incline bench press, cable crossovers and in the picture starting dips. 

New Year's Day we had a day of from the gym.. Then we have been training normally again.
I've started to do couple new thing in my program and after a time off from doing cardio now I'm doing that again. Oh how I hate cardio, just have to find out away to enjoy it. It is just to boring.. But well it is just something I must to do.

Oh how horrific my leg day was on Saturday, I'm still like a penguin in slow motion. :/ 
80meters of lounges holding weights on hands, heavy squats, leg press etc. Sam knows what he is doing. 

Now I'm excited and waiting for Thursday, I'm gonna have in body measuring done, so I will know exact amount of fat, muscle, water, bone.. And how much it's in each side etc. so exciting! Then I can get it done again closer to summer.

Have to go back to new year resolutions for a moment.. Year ago I promised I would lose weight and get fit and be 49kg on our wedding party day. I did it!! I also promised to love my husband and son each day more than the day before.. Done, easy.

This year I promised to love my husband and son every day more than the day before, again.
I promised to train even harder and not get lazy after reaching a goal. Cause now I don't have any exact goal with my weight, my goal is to look stunning. And I'm sure that no matter how good I look I will always find something to train, make it bigger, fitter, smaller, anything. I'm gonna be reaching for perfection. It is a long journey, it will take years but every year I'm gonna do this same promise and keep on with my project.

I also promised to cherish every moment. Beauty of the life comes from those little moments, and so easily we forget to cherish them. So please remember that the most beautiful things are the little thing in life.

Here some motivation pictures I like to watch for you guys!