maanantai 25. maaliskuuta 2013

Goals and Results

So week ago on Sunday I did some counting. I counted that then I had one day less than 16 weeks time before our wedding party. I also counted a little goal for my self, I would have to loose 0,5kg weight every week and I would have to loose 1cm from my waist if I would want to be in the same measurements I use to be. Well I was thinking that 1cm from my waist each week could be to much to even wish for, but hey you have to have somekinda clear measurements and goals so you know where you are.
Well yesterday in a morning I stepped on our scale and I was really surprised, I have lost 0,9kg since last Sunday. Then I went to stand next to a mirror and was the time to measure my waist and I have also been taking measurements from the level of my lovehandels, that measurement should be getting smaller also. And I've measured my hips ( from the level where my ass is ) that is a measurement I would love to stay the same or get bigger cause I want to grow my bum muscles. Well the results in past week is.. Lost centimeters from my waist: 1 and from my lovehandels: 1. And my hips and ass is still the same. I can see my ass getting tighter though, so I am loosing all fat from there but the muscle is growing and that is good, really good. So now the results are looking great and I am sure I can get to my goal. If I stay in my goals each week it will happen. Feels so great!

Ok, so now the big picture. I started training 10 weeks ago. Struggling, slowly, and trying couple different diets. Result in 10 weeks is that I have lost 6,5kg, my waist is now 9 centimeters smaller and my lovehandels are now 7 centimeters smaller. I did loose some centimeters from my hips in a begining, actually 4cm, but thats fine, now the past 6 weeks it has stayed the same. So all together it would be 6,5kg and 20cm. Well I still have some kilos and centimeters to go. But most important thing that has changed during this 10 weeks is my confidence, I finally got my confidence back. I feel so great and so beatiful again, I feel like I really can do this and I can get fit again. The thing is, I really think this saying is true " Best thing a woman can wear is CONFIDENCE". Cause hey, if you dont feel and think you are beautiful, why would anyone else see your beauty?

Well I am finishing now cause I have to go and look after my little stinky boy, I will write more in couple days and maybe I will add some pics from before I started training. Im still thinking if I will add them now or closer to the summer when there is bigger difference. Well, lets see. HAVE A NICE WEEK YOU ALL!

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