perjantai 6. joulukuuta 2013

After leg day!

So I'm just doing a quick update after leg day... I trained legs yesterday and god they are sore now! I have been doing different kinda training couple weeks now to shock my body a bit cause I've been feeling like my muscles are not actually responding to my normal training lately. So my husband told me to try GVT ( German volume training) for couple weeks. It means I'm doing just couple main exercises for each muscle group but I'm doing ten sets of ten, with a weight I could do barely do 20 reps in a row. So example in leg days I'm doing 100 squats all together.. I'm using just 45kg weights to do them but 100 reps isn't still easy, and man I can feel it working. I've done this now for 4 weeks, after this week I will go back to doing heavy weights again and lower reps and sets, lets see if I can do heavier weights now, that would be the plan. 
Today I trained back, but before hitting the gym I had to take couple pics of my legs.
 They have always been the body part I'm quite proud of, I am trying to get a bigger butt though. After doing 10 years of figure skating my legs are quite strong. During those years we never did squats with weights just leg press and squats without weights, so squats were a new thing to me when I started training almost a year ago. Squats are amazing! My ass was so small earlier, it's not big now either but it's bigger, and it jiggles :D
Left pic is from May 2012 when I was 8 weeks pregnant and right pic is from about month ago.
So if someone isn't doing squats already, start doing them now, do low reps and lots weights! ;)

Well this was just a quick update now, I will write more of these couple times a week now when I've got this blogger app so it's quicker and easier..
Have a nice weekend you all! 

lauantai 26. lokakuuta 2013

Soon its november?

So, the time has just been flying past, I have actually no idea where has all the time gone! 
Well if you remember I had a goal to be 49kg for our wedding party, and I can now happily tell you that I really did it! The morning of our wedding on 6th of July I was 49kg and so damn proud! 

Well after our wedding I had a well deserved week of from training and I ate everything to, felt kinda nice but sooo weird at the same time, going to the gym is a routine for me so it was actually hard to stay out of the gym. 
Well summer ended and now I have been trying to just build some more muscle. I was really dry the day of our wedding so this is why I was so light then. Now I have been eating more so I have lots of energy to do my workouts, so I'm bit heavier now.. And I'm trying to get some more muscle weight to. I even got bit to heavy during the time my friend from Australia was in Finland, I love good food and all sweets and salty stuff.. So during her stay in here I gained a bit more weight what I wanted to but all that has been dropped off again. 

I'm so happy my ass has been growing now, I had a tiny tight but before I got pregnant but now it's actually starting to be bigger and rounder, yeij! :)
This picture is from may, and the below one is from couple weeks ago, can you see the difference?
And here is when i was 3 months pregnant.. and couple weeks ago.

Leo has gotten so big and has just started to take some steps to! It is so cute! 

Now I'm starting to write shorter and quicker updates into here, and those yummy sugar free treat recipes to! Also I am going to try write some updates from gym and tell something from my workout routines! 
This is just couple weeks ago after I just finished my triceps and shoulder workout. You know that you shouldn't be training triceps and biceps during a same workout session? ;)

Stay tuned! Have a great weekend you all! :) 

torstai 30. toukokuuta 2013

Results, or just a beginning..?

Taas aika vierähti ihan huomaamatta, mutta nyt on aika ottaa itseäni niskasta kiinni ja oikeasti kirjoittaa useammin. Koko ajan tulee lisää asioita joista kovasti tahtoisin kirjoittaa, eikä viitsi aina sitten kaikkea yhteen tekstiin laittaa. Tästä eteenpäin aion jakaa hieman yksityiskohtaisemmin esimerkiksi asioita päivän treenistä, päivän aterioista ja aion myös jakaa kanssanne reseptejä joita kokeilen, muuntelen tai keksin, terveellisiä reseptejä tietty!
And again time was just flying and I didint notice anything, but now its time to get a grip of myself and really start writing more. I have so many things in my head I would like to write about, but I cant just put everything into one text all the time. From now on I am going to share more details about the days workout, meals and I will also share some recipes I am trying, fixing or making up! Healthy of course!

Aloitetaan nyt suoraan niistä kehitys kuvista joita lupasin, eli olen tehnyt kuvapareja vertailun vuoksi, ensimmäiset kuvat ovat pareja joissa vasen kuva on huhtikuun puolesta välistä ja oikea toukokuun puolesta välistä, eli kehitysaika on kuukausi.
Lets just start from the progress pictures I promised, I have done picture couples, first pictures are couple where left picture is from mid April and right picture is from mid May so the progress time has been one month. 

Ja nää seuraavat kuvat onkin sitten hauskaa katsottavaa, eli vasen kuva on otettu tammikuun 2013 puolessa välissä ja oikealla oleva kuva on nuo samat  jotka on siis otettu toukokuun puolessa välissä. Joten kehitys aika on 4 kuukautta.
And these next pictures, are funny to watch left one was taken in mid January 2013 and the right pictures are the same ones used above so taken in mid May. So Progress time is 4 months.

2 viikkoa ennen synnytystä, puoli vuotta ennen yllä olevia kuvia.
2 weeks before labour, six months before the picture above.
Näiden jälkeen on vielä kuva siitä kuinka suuri olin juuri ennen synnytystä marraskuun lopussa.
After these its good to add picture of how big I was just before the labour in end of November.

Numeroina muutos tammikuun puolesta välistä toukokuun puoleen väliin on ollut seuraava: n.13kg, vyötäröltä 15cm, lantiolta 8cm. Ja muutos marraskuusta: 23kg, vyötäröltä n.55cm ja lantiolta varmaan miljoona!
The change in numbers from mid January is: about 13kg, waist 15cm and hips 8cm. And the change since November: 23kg, waist about 55cm and hips probably about million!!

Tähän on päästy kovalla työllä, terveellinen ruokavalio ja paljon treeniä. Ruokavalioon on kuulunut paljon kanaa, kalaa ja lihaa sekä kasviksi, erityisesti vihreitä kasviksi. Monivilja ja kokojyvä tuotteita joista saa kuituja ja esim siemeniä ja pähkinöitä joista saa hyviä rasvoja. Eikä yhtään sokeria, en osta kaupasta mitään tarkistamatta ensin onko siinä sokereita, monet vetävät mysliä aamupalaksi ajatellen että se on terveellistä mutta kurkatkaapa joskus paketin kylkeä ja katsokaa mitä se ruoka sisältää mitä kehoonne pistätte.
Salilla on aina pakko vähän pullistella.
At the gym I just must do some posing.
Treenin kannalta voin sanoa että parasta kiinteytykseen ja painonpudotukseen on ollut salitreeni isoilla painoilla ja siihen päälle aerobista tietysti, näitä kumpaakin on ollut kuusi kertaa viikossa. Pilatesta ja joogaakin on nyt tullut tehtyä.
Aloittaessani prosessin tiesin että haluan kasvattaa lihasta, saada voimaa ja pudottaa painoa samaan aikaan, jotkut sanovat että se on mahdotonta, mikään ei ole mahdotonta jos siitä ei itse sitä tee. Ei nyt juuri ole edessä papereita joihin olen kirjoitellut ylös painoja joita olen käyttänyt, mutta voisin sanoa että teen vähintään tupla määrällä painoja liikkeet nyt, verrattuna tammikuuhun. Ja tammikuussa tein vain kolmea sarjaa ja 8-10 toistoa, kun tällä hetkellä teen jopa 6 sarjaa ja 10-15 toistoa. Eli onko se mahdotonta?
Yritin katsella vatsalihaksia kotona.
Tried to see a bit of my abbs at home.
 It has taken lot of hard work to get to this, healthy diet and lot of training. Diet includes a lot of chicken, fish and meat also vegetables, especially the green ones. Multigrain and wholemeal things for fibers and seeds and nuts for good fats. No sugar, I dont buy anything from the shop without checking if it has sugar in it, many people eat muesli for breakfast thinking that its healthy but check the side of the box first and check what you are putting into your body.
About training I can say that the best thing for toning and weight los has been gym, lifting with big weights and on top of that cardio of course, each one I have been doing six times a week. Pilates and joga I have been doing also a bit now. 
When I started I decided I want to get more muscles, more power and loose weight at the same time, some people say its impossible, nothing is impossible if you dont make it to be. I dont have the paper tight in front of me where I have all the weights up I hav ebeen using, but I could say that compared to the weights in January I am using double amount of weights now. And in January I use to do just 3 sets and about 8-10 reps, and now I am doing 5-6 sets and 10-15 reps. So is it impossible?

Pitäis ehkä hommata uudet rullikset? Nää on äidin ikivanhat, mut toimii.
Should maybe buy new ones? These are mums old ones, they will do..
Tällä viikolla taas vähän muuttui ohjelmat, oon lisännyt taas lisää aerobista treeneihin. Eli aamuisin ennenkuin pikkumies herää olen lähtenyt lenkille. Kahtena aamuna nyt peräkkäin on ollut rullaluistelua, ja ai että pakarat tykkää!! Aerobisen päälle tietty on käyty salilla kuus kertaa viikossa.
This week I changed my program a bit and started doing even more cardio. Every morning before lilman wakes up I have gone for a run or something. Two last days I have been doing rollerblading and oh my go my bum likes it! And then of course gym six times every week.

Pikku kurkkaus mun tän hetken salitreeneihin.
Ma: Rinta ja syvät keskivartalon lihakset
Ti: Jalat/Peppu ja Vatsat
Ke: Olkapäät ja ojentajat
To: Selkä ja Vatsat
Pe: Jalat/Peppu
La: Hauis, käsivarret ja Vatsa rääkki.
Tällä hetkellä mun tarkoitus on polttaa mahdollisimman paljon rasvaa, joten teen 5-6 sarjaa ja 10-15 toistoa liikkeistä riippuen. Pepulle annan kunnolla kyytiä isoilla painoilla sillä sitä en tahdo yhtään pienemmäksi vaan sinne tahdon lisää massaa, eli sinne tehdään vähän toistoja ja vain muutamia sarjoja liikkeestä riippuen.
Tiny peak into my this moments gym training
Mon: Chest and deep core
Tue: Legs/Bum and abs
Wed: Shoulders and triceps
Thu: Back and abs
Fri: Legs and Bum
Sat: Biceps, forearms and super abs
This moment I am trying to burn as much fat as possible, so I am doing 5-6 sets and 10-15 reps depending on the exercise. For my bum I am using just big weights and not that many reps or sets, I dont want it to get smaller, just more mass now!

Sunnuntaisin on edelleen pidetty lepopäivä, vaan kävelylenkkiä Leon ja rattaiden kanssa. Sunnuntaisin myös syödään aina enemmän rasvoja sekä hiilareita, Cheat Day siis, polttoainetta tulevalle viikolle. Nyt tosin hääjuhla lähestyy joten jää Cheat Dayt hyvin minimaalisiksi.  Mutta ne on myös hyvin tärkeitä. Viikko sitten sunnuntaina oltiin mun äidin takapihalla grillaamassa ja pikku Leokin pääsi ensimmäistä kertaa koskettamaan nurmikkoa, ja nythän Leo sitten onkin kunnon kesä mies ja haluaa koko ajan meidän takapihalle.
Leo istumassa nurtsilla ekaa kertaa
Leo sitting on a grass for first time
Sundays are rest days, just walks with Leo and his stroller. Sunday is also a Ccheat Day, we eat more fats and carbs, som efuel for the coming week. The wedding party is getting closet though so my Cheat Days are not so much of cheating anymore. But they are still really important, Week ago on Sunday we were at my mums backyard having a little barbecue and Leo got to touch the grass first time, now he is a proper little summer man and wants to go outside all the time. 

Palailen pian asiaan reseptejen ja treeni juttujen kera, kunhan saan noi pari reseptiä kirjotettua ylös. Mulla kun on tapana vaan tehdä vähän miten sattuu noita herkkuja muistamatta mitä ja kuinka paljon käytin!
I will get back to business soon with some recipes and training things, when I just get the recipes on paper. I usually just make all the yummy stuff how I feel like and cant remember later what and how much I used. 
Huomenna on JALKA JA PEPPU PÄIVÄ! JESSSSSS. En malttas odottaa millään.. Mutta kaipa se täytyy kohta mennä nukkumaan ja keräämään voimia huomiseen.
Tomorrow its LEG AND BUM DAY!! YEAHHH. I just cant wait. But I think I have to go to sleep soon and charge my batteries for tomorrow.

Have a nice end of the week.. Act like ladies, train like beasts!

maanantai 6. toukokuuta 2013

Travelling, dieting, baby and enjoying life

Viimeksi mietin että kirjoittaisinko tekstin suomeksi vai englanniksi, päätin että yrittäisin kirjoitella kummallakin kielellä.
Last time I was wondering should I write in Finnish or in English and I decided I will try to write in both languages.

Kolme viikkoa sitten aloitin uuden ohjelman salilla sekä muutenkin. Sali ohjelmaan kuuluu nyt noin 10-12 toistoa ja sarjoja, jotta rasva palaisi paremmin kesäksi, voi että kun tuloksia näkyykin nopeasti. Enää 3 kiloa jäljellä ja olen siinä painossa mihin ajattelin tyytyväni, mutta voipi olla että pudotan vielä kilon pari lisää, riippuen miltä rasvaprosentti silloin näyttää. Senttejä on myös lähtenyt vyötäröltä odotetusti.
Three weeks ago I started a new program at the gym and with my diet. My gym program includes now about 10-12 reps and way more sets than normally so the fat would be burning better for the summer, and oh boy you can see results. Just 3 kilos and I am in the weight I thought I want to be, but lets see if I will still drop kilo or two, depending what my bodyfat is when I get into my goal.

Kaksi viikkoa sitten lähdimme ensimmäiselle matkalle pikku Leon kanssa. Lensimme Saksaan tapaamaan Samin isosiskoa, sekä äitiä ja pikkusiskoja. Sam kunnon aviomiehenä kokkasi meille ateriat matkaa varten. Kanafilettä ja papuja tupperware rasioissa sekä sheikkereihin vähän proteiinijauhetta jotta voimme vain lisätä veden ja ravistaa. Näin kunnon treenaajat matkustaa. Ateriaa ei saa missata, eikä todellakaan korvata millään lentokoneen pullamössö hotdogilla mitä tällä lennolla oli tarjolla. Ruokia ajatellen pakkasimme matkalaukkuihin mukaan omaa puuroa, kanelia, sekä 4kg proteiinijauhetta, ja tietysti kaikki mahdollisest vitamiinit ym lisäravinteet.
Two weeks ago we left for firt trip with little Leo. We fly to Germany to meet Sams family members, his older sister, mother and lil sisters. Sam was being a good husband and cooked us meals for the trip the day before. Chicken breast filets with some beans, and we also packed couple shakers with protein in them so we can just add the water on the go. You cant miss a meal, and you cant replace a good meal with some really unhealthy hot dog they were serving on this flight. Oh and thinking about food we also packed our own oats, cinnamon, 4kg of protein powder and all other supplements and vitamins with us.

 Leo tykkäsi ensimmäisestä matkastaan, nousut ja laskut meni hienosti ilman itkuja. Leo nukkui jonkin aikaa kunnes saksalainen kapteeni alkoi höpöttää jotain näkymistä oikeanpuolen ikkunoista. Lennon jälkeen meidän piti vielä hypätä junaan ja koko matkan lentokentältä junaan ja ulos junasta taksiin Leo oli syvässä unessa.
 Leo loved his firts trip, departures and landing went so well, no crying at all. He was a sleep in somepoint of the flight until some German capatin decided to tell us what you can see from the right side windows. After the flight we still needed to catch a train but the whole way from the airport to the train and out of the train and into a taxi Leo was in deep sleep.

Leo otti torkut sylissä
Leo had a nap in my lap
Leo ja Leon oma turvavyö
Leo and leos own seatbelt

Leo nostelee n. 0,5kg painoa
Leo with 1 pound weight
Nyt olemme olleet Saksassa kaksi viikkoa ja vielä viikko olisi jäljellä. Täällä kaikki menee hienosti. Ilmainen kuntosali joten salilla käydään edelleen kuudesti viikossa. Sali täällä on aivan mahtava, Melkein liiankin mahtava, tulee ikävä salia jolla käydään kotona, se on niin alkeellinen eikä tarvitse miettiä miten laitteita käytetään..
Olen myös muutamana iltana tehnyt joitain jooga ja pilates harjoituksia Samin siskon kanssa ja Leokin nosteli painoja.
Ja tietysti ollaan käyty pitkillä kävelyillä kauniissa maisemissa.
Now we have been here for two weeks and we still have about a week left. Everything is nice, there is a free gym in here so we are going there six times a week. The gym is awesome, almost to awesome and it makes me to miss the gym where we go at home in ther all the machines are old and simple to use. I have also been doin some joga and pilates with Sams older sister couple times, its been really nice, also Leo has been lifting some weights. And well of course we have been doing lots of long walks in these beautiful scenes in here.

Sam kävelyttää koiraa
Sam walking one of the dogs.
Enkä voi usko kaikke tätä terveellistä ruokaa. olemme siis amerikkalaisessa armeijan  tukikohdassa joten täällä myydään amerikkalaisia tuotteita. Kaikilla varmasti on oma mielikuvansa amerikkalaisista naisista ja täytyy sanoa että naiset täällä eivät todellakaan ole hyvässä kunnossa, vaikka heillä olisi kaikki edellytykset. Kaikesta löytyy sokeriton vaihtoehto, hillosta, siirapista, kaakaosta. Mausteista löytyy suolattomia versioita ja täältä löytyy myös suolaa ilman sodiumia. Miljoonia naposteltavia herkullisia juttuja joissa on vain terveellisiä aineksia kuten pussillinen manteleita jotka on päällystetty puhtaalla tummalla kaakaolla. NIIN HEERKULLISTA.
 Oh I cant believe my eyes with all this healthy food these people have. We are in American Army base now so everything they sell in here is from USA. Everyone possibly has their own images of American women and these women in here are not really healthy looking, even they have all the things they need in here. They have a sugar free or fat free obsion of everything. Jam, syrup, whipped cream, chocolate. They have spices without salt, even salt without sodium in it. Millions of snacks with healthy options like bag of almonds covered with full cocoa without any sugar.SO DELICIOUS!!

Tanssiaisissa illallisella
At the ball having dinner
Viikko sitten perjantaina olimme armeijan tanssiaisissa, tosin vain hetken. Sai taas pitkästä aikaa laittaa meikkiä naamaan, laittaahiukset kauniisti ja pukeutua. Olipas mukavaa. Olen niin tottunut vain pitämään sali/treenivaatteita koko ajan että se muutama tuntia oli luxusta.
 Week ago we were in this Army ball, just couple of hours though. I got to get dressed, do my hair and my make up firts time in along time. It was so nice for a change. I am just so use to getting dressed into gym/training clothes all the time so that couple hours was luxus for me.

Matkalla kaupunkiin
On the way to the town
Täällä on niin kaunista, muistuttaa minua siitä kuinka kaunista on Suomessa kesällä. Nyt on jo hieman koti ikävä kun tiedän että Suomessa sää on nyt parempi, enkä malta odottaa että Sam näkee Suomen kauniin kevän sekä kesän.
 It is so beautiful in here reminds me about how beautiful it is in Finland in summer. Im starting to feel bit home sick cause I know the weather is going to be nicer now in there to and I cant wait that Sam sees the beautiful spring and summer of Finland.

Nyt suljen koneen ja tarkistan että piekkumies on unilla sängyssään. Kirjoittelen täältä reissunpäältä vielä lisää ja yritän ottaa kuvia näistä ihmeellisistä herkuista, maisemista ja saliltakin.

I am shutting down this computer now and checkin that the lil man is a sleep. I will be writing from our trip in next week couple times adn I will try to take couple pis of all the treats, beautiful places and the gym.


Fron the town
from the town

Leo kesä vaatteissa
Leo in his summer clothes
At the ball
Me an Jessica at the ball
Leo päikkäreillä kun me kävellään
Leo having a day nap while we have a walk

torstai 18. huhtikuuta 2013

Dedication gives results

And the time is seriously flying. Sams mum and sisters were in Finland staying at our place for several weeks so I just didnt notice how the days went by.

Before I start saying anything about my own training or how much I have lost weight again and so on I have to say that some of the people really amaze me. I just saw this picture about a girl, wont say the name, who lost a lot of weight and now she is a bikini fitness girl. But I have to say that the weight loss and the change in that body wasnt as much as it could have been in such a long time. And she isnt the only one. There is so many girls out there saying about how they have changed their lifestyle and they are so healthy and training sooo much, but why in their pictures there is no difference in them? And then they have pictures and updates about drinking and donuts, not just once in a month or two but often. People, if you really want to have some results you have to have some dedication! You train hard five days and then you are drunk on weekend and have couple burgers or so, you just did all that hard work for nothing.

I can say that I dont even remember when I had some sugar.. Like sugar in my food, in my coffee, juice which has sugar in it.. well anything with sugar. And it is a long time since I had even one drink.. Well anyway, I set my self a goal while ago and last time I checked on Sunday I have been losing weight and centimeters just how I wanted to. SO HAPPY! I will check it again on Sunday morning and I will write some updates. I do know that mmuch from straight hand that I have lost 9 kilos, since I started training, so that makes 3kilos per month. I took some pictures one day, and put them next to the pictures what Sam took exactly 3 months ago and I have to say I have been doing good job! Or what do you think?
Left pic was taken 13.1 and right pic was taken 14.4, so 3 months has gone by now. And I started getting back to training really slowly, so I wouldnt do any damage.
Picture from the side, left also taken 13.1 and right was taken 14.4.

Now I have a new training program again and tiny change in my diet so lets see what happens now.
I am doing one walk everyday now, each time its aroun 6,5km. One day we walked bit more than 10km, and couple of days we have walked firts the 6,5km trip and then later about 4,5km more. We have our little boy Leo with us, he has his day nap in a pram and we usually have the little belly bag carrier fro him with us, if he wakes up and get grumpy in a pram he can travel in that.

Little Leo and his new hat having a walk.
And then gym, I am going to the gym six times a week. Today we had shoulders and triceps and bit of abbs.
-Seated dumbbel presses 8kg 6 x10
-Lateral front raises (standing) 6kg 6 x10
-Rear-delt lateral raises 6kg 5 x10
-Leaning dumbbel lateral side raises 6kg 5x12
-Close grip bench presses 20kg 6 x10
-Pushdowns 6x10
-Barbell French presses 12,5kg 6 x10
-Leaning dumbbel lateral raises 6kg 5 x12
And then couple of different kinda abbs.

I could tell everything what I ate today but I will just tell you I ate this really good white fish, Sam cooked it in a pan, without butter but with some nice spices which dont include salt and with the fish we had some steamed broccoli. IT WAS SOOO NICE!

About our little baby boy I have to say that he is growing so much. He is already a big boy. He is sitting in his own chair and has his own baby porridge in mornings with us. He just learned how to roll over both ways and he has found his feet and now he is playing with them all the time. He is even playing with them quietly in his bed middle of the night. I wake up into every little noise and check up on him and there he is smiling, playing with his feet and eating his toes. And we had even a walk with the pram where he is sitting up and facing forwards. My big boy.

Leo in his bed happy playing with his feet,
End of this week, we are going to Germany. To visit Sams older sister and his mum and little sisters who just left from here bit more than a week ago. Lucky there is a gym there so we can still keep going to the gym six days a week and there is lots of hills around the place where they live, so lots of walking ahead to! So nice to get away from home for just abit, its even biit warmer in there, almost like a summer already, lets hope the actual spring will come into Finland also while we are away. If this weather in Finland stays like this its still cold and ugly in July when we have our wedding, haha, not funny and I really hope this wont happen!!

Leo and Sam smiling and laughing together.
 Happines and laughter in your week my friend!!

maanantai 25. maaliskuuta 2013

Goals and Results

So week ago on Sunday I did some counting. I counted that then I had one day less than 16 weeks time before our wedding party. I also counted a little goal for my self, I would have to loose 0,5kg weight every week and I would have to loose 1cm from my waist if I would want to be in the same measurements I use to be. Well I was thinking that 1cm from my waist each week could be to much to even wish for, but hey you have to have somekinda clear measurements and goals so you know where you are.
Well yesterday in a morning I stepped on our scale and I was really surprised, I have lost 0,9kg since last Sunday. Then I went to stand next to a mirror and was the time to measure my waist and I have also been taking measurements from the level of my lovehandels, that measurement should be getting smaller also. And I've measured my hips ( from the level where my ass is ) that is a measurement I would love to stay the same or get bigger cause I want to grow my bum muscles. Well the results in past week is.. Lost centimeters from my waist: 1 and from my lovehandels: 1. And my hips and ass is still the same. I can see my ass getting tighter though, so I am loosing all fat from there but the muscle is growing and that is good, really good. So now the results are looking great and I am sure I can get to my goal. If I stay in my goals each week it will happen. Feels so great!

Ok, so now the big picture. I started training 10 weeks ago. Struggling, slowly, and trying couple different diets. Result in 10 weeks is that I have lost 6,5kg, my waist is now 9 centimeters smaller and my lovehandels are now 7 centimeters smaller. I did loose some centimeters from my hips in a begining, actually 4cm, but thats fine, now the past 6 weeks it has stayed the same. So all together it would be 6,5kg and 20cm. Well I still have some kilos and centimeters to go. But most important thing that has changed during this 10 weeks is my confidence, I finally got my confidence back. I feel so great and so beatiful again, I feel like I really can do this and I can get fit again. The thing is, I really think this saying is true " Best thing a woman can wear is CONFIDENCE". Cause hey, if you dont feel and think you are beautiful, why would anyone else see your beauty?

Well I am finishing now cause I have to go and look after my little stinky boy, I will write more in couple days and maybe I will add some pics from before I started training. Im still thinking if I will add them now or closer to the summer when there is bigger difference. Well, lets see. HAVE A NICE WEEK YOU ALL!

sunnuntai 17. maaliskuuta 2013

Shrinking and Growing

Time goes past so quick. When I started writing this blog I was thinking that I will write atleast every week, but would try to write 2-3 times each week. And now it is already almost two weeks from my last text. I started writing a text a week ago but I thought I will publish it after I get pictures from my phone to the computer. Well then I forgot to do it and here I am, week later. Deleted the text I wrote a week ago and I'm starting to write a new one.

Sun and snowy field close by. Such an amazing weather.
 So in these two weeks we have been doing long walks and enjoying the sunshine, walking and pushing Leo in a pram is amazingly hard and good exercise. We have also been going to this ice ring close by to do some ice skating. I love it, it is good exercise and nice change for walking or doing inside cycling at the gym. We found ice skates for Sam also so he tried it to, and he is natural talent. And now he would like to go skating each day.

Me and Sam at the ice ring.
Little Leo after our walk, he just woke up.

So after my last text I noticed that I wasnt loosing weight at all that week. So we did couple changes and now I'm doing even more cardio. Seems like the last kilos are really trying to stick in my body. Well thats not gonna happen. It is just really hard to try to loose weight and gain some muscle at the same time but thats what I have to do.
 I am checking my weight and measurements every sunday morning before the breakfast, then I know that it is the real weight and food or anything I have been drinking right before stepping on the scale wont affect into my weight. Past week I have been getting good results, 1 kilo and couple centimeters from here and there. I will give some exact numbers in a week, then its been ten weeks of training and dieting. I started slowly after the 6 weeks after labour doctor check when she told me everything is healing well and I can go back to my old rutines step by step.
Gym is going great. I've actually started to see my muscles from my arms again, slowly I am getting there. And I can get one of my old really tight jeans all the way up again. Cant do the button yet but before the summer thats gonna happen also.

This morning I started my day with wholemeal multigrain porridge topped with some blueberries, raspberries and cinnamon, I heard cinnamon helps to burn fat. I also had big glass of water with vitamin C tablet in it and all my tablets including magnesium, calcium, vitamin B, Multivitamin, Iron, Zink, etc etc. So many tablets its not even funny, but well they all have their own jobs so what can I do.

Leo having some tummy time.
Sam finally got his visa so now he is allowed to stay in Finland with me and Leo and he is also allowed to have a job. Its going to be so weird when he goes to work, he has been home with me since we came to Finland and now I will´have to stay home by my self and take care of Leo without Sam here helping me when I need him. Bit scary, but I know I will survive.
Leo is growing up so quick and he is developing so quick and soon he is going to be crawling around and I'm running after him. Just in past couple weeks he has started to holding on to things, if you let him to sit on your lap next to the table he will start pulling things down. He can also hold his bottle and drink from it without help for a moment. He is almost flipping from his back to his belly and to the other way and his legs are getting so strong that I'm scared he will just start walking without crawling first. :D Week and couple days and Leo has his 4 months check, lets see how huge he is then.

Leo grabbing his evening snack. Multigrain bread and milk.
Little man knows how to eat healthy. :)
Well I'm finnishing up now, I need some lunch and then I could go for a walk cause it is such a beautiful day again. Have a nice sunday evening you all and remember to train hard, eat clean and dream big! :)

tiistai 5. maaliskuuta 2013

3 months, 17 kilos.

So now its bit more than 3 months from labour. I started training about 7 weeks ago, slowly ofcourse. I tried to start hard but my husband told me not to. I was stubborn and we even got into afight cause I just wanted to start training like I used to. Now I know he was right and I would have been broken in 5 minutes at that gym without him telling me to take it easy.

Little Leo loves car rides
Now I'm starting to reach the same powers I use to have. I have been training six days a week and I have a great diet. It was a bit of struggling in a begining to find the right amounts of food and the right kind of diet for me. I even tried on Atkins for couple weeks, I was really strict with it to but it only dropped couple of kilos. Now I'm back eating clean and healthy and I feel so much better. Lots of fish, chicken and meat, vegetables and a bit of multigrain bread or porridge at mornings.
Couple more weeks and I will put up a picture before I started training and a current picture. But well I can tell you that now there is about 17 kilos behind me and about 8 kilos to go. I am not so strict about the kilos though, centimetres and how do I look is more important. Fact is that I am trying to get more muscle than I use to have so who knows what the scale will say when I am happy how I look.

Happy little boy in his daddys arms

On the other part of my life, with my beautiful family everything is going well. Leo is growing, and making teeth already. He loves biting everything and is trying to be so brave and not to cry when his gums are hurting. He talks so much that I cant talk at all sometimes, without him giving this look "mummy can you shut up I'm trying to tell something". He is trying to sit up by him self to, not long and he will do it to. And today just a minute ago I heard this amazing laugh when Sam was tickling his neck.

Oh on sunday we went to do snow sledding!! It is so much fun. And it has been a year since we have done it..Have to go again!

Well I am getting of from this computer now, I will go and have a little snack and go to bed. Good Night you all and have an awesome day tomorrow, dream big and train hard!